LinkedIn Profile writing service

LinkedIn Profile
LinkedIn offers job seekers, recruiters and businesses a free platform to meet. Whether joining LinkedIn, or seeking an update, we will write a  professional, persuasive LinkedIn Profile to showcase your relevant skills, achievements,  initiatives, personality'. 100+Client Testimonials.

We enjoy writing LinkedIn Profiles with a  'wow' factor to get you noticed:

  • Personal consultation by ‘phone, Skype, Zoom or email with a LinkedIn commended writer, to discuss your aim, gather information on your career and provide guidance.
  • Eye-catching,  keyword rich SEO headline to take you to the top of LinkedIn recruiter search results
  • A SEO strapline below your name matched to your job / target audience
  • Interesting, persuasive and professionally written text – evidence-based career successes to ignite interest and build trust with your audience
  • Expertly crafted Summary - matched to the experience and skills sought in your career target
  • Skills section with relevant SEO job related keywords to capture and retain the attention of decision-makers

LinkedIn Profiles also include:

Results-focused Career Experiences – examples of initiatives and positive contributions – not a life story - not a job description  - not a copy of you CV

  • Qualifications and courses
  • Reviewing, editing and/or deleting the original information to eliminate out-of-date, less relevant, repetitive text
  • Bespoke LinkedIn URL, eliminating unnecessary numbers
  • Tips and strategies to network and grow your online presence
  • Advice on achieving 100% completion 
    (View Helga's LinkedIn Profile)

Receive as many proofs as necessary until you are happy
with the final document 

A professionally written LinkedIn Profile saves time and effort in securing a new role –
a minor investment that will pay dividends in the results you will receive. 


Just six steps …

  1. Send an email or 'phone, Skype, WhatsApp for us to contact you
  2. Email your CV Resume and LinkedIn URL (if available)
  3. We review your information and provide a no obligation quote  
  4. We research your employer work environment and job market to capture the essence of your career, and write and submit proofs
  5. We review and refine unlimited proofs until perfect.
  6. We guide you on self-installing the text, or we upload the text for a nominal £30 fee
  7. See 100+ verifiable LinkedIn Testimonials from very happy clients ....
LinkedIn TestimonialsOrder Now
Helga reworked my CV and since then I have never failed to land an interview for any job applied for. The service she provides is
timely, efficient and excellent value for money

William Healy Practice ,Specialist at McKinsey & Company

As a long-standing client, Helga has ensured that my career has gone from strength to strength. Helga is the true experienced professional who has provided me with outstanding support, advice and guidance on ensuring that my CV and LinkedIn profile remain current and refreshed. It is always a pleasure to benefit from Helga's experience, enthusiasm and commitment to excellence
Gillian Mitton | Consultant – Financial Services Regulatory
I asked Helga to re-write my LinkedIn profile for me, and couldn't be happier with the results. She really dug into my experience, researching my background and skills, and the resulting overview was absolutely spot on. In fact, I didn't know I was such a catch! Highly recommend. March, 2021
Ali GoldsAward-winning Entrepreneur, Author, Motivational Speaker,

Charity Founder, NED Consulting
“When the word got out I'd need a CV, your name was recommended six times! Having received my CV, I know why - the presentation is so professional, and you've captured all my skills and experience"
Cheryl, J Sainsburys, Cheshire

Take the next step... Email  your CV Resume for a free appraisal and quote

As many consultants and proofs as necessary available until you are happy with the result.
We offer a three-day turnaround or a 24hr express service.